Peel Region Water Resources Management Model 2019

Peel Region Water Resources Management Model 2019

Client: Public Works, Region of Peel, T. Estephan, (905-791-7800 ext. 4339)
Infrastructure Planning and Studies-Growth, Groundwater and Source Water Protection,
10 Peel Centre Drive, Brampton, ON L6T 4B9

In March, 2019 Earthfx was contracted by the Region of Peel to develop a fully integrated GSFLOW surface water/groundwater model of the entire region. This project, referred to as the “Peel Water Resources Management Model, 2019” (PWRMM19) represents a major advance over previous surface water hydrology and groundwater models and will produce an authoritative decision-support tool that will guide water resources management and long-term planning efforts. Key applications include source water protection, engineering and watershed and wetland management.

The first task was to develop a 3D model of the bedrock and overburden layers across the region. This was particularly challenging because the study area spans the Niagara Escarpment bedrock layers, Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) headwater aquifers and ORM South Slope till deposits and bedrock valley systems.

A 10 layer MODFLOW-NWT groundwater sub-model was developed to simulate flow through the 3D aquifer and aquitard layers. All municipal supply wells and private water takings were represented. The model was calibrated to water level readings from municipal, provincial and private water well records.

A cell-based distributed PRMS hydrologic sub-model was developed to simulate soil zone process, including snowpack, rainfall/runoff, infiltration and the effects of land development and urbanization.

All mapped streams, lakes and wetlands (greater than ½ ha) were represented in the surface water hydraulic routing model. Representative stream cross sections and streambed properties for SW/GW interaction were defined and the hydrologic and hydraulic sub-model was calibrated to both CVC and EC HYDAT stream gauges.

Upcoming applications include the simulation of LID implementation, climate change, source water protection and engineering applications.