Stage 2 Hydrogeological Investigation for the Osmington Regional Centre
Client: Crawford Farms LP
Key Personnel: Dirk Kassenaar, Asoka Kodippili, Spencer Malott
Earthfx is currently providing integrated modelling services in support of the development application of a 37 ha property located northwest of the intersection of Bovaird Drive and Mississauga Road in the City of Brampton, Peel Region. The subject site is currently an agricultural field with woodlot and wetland features and is traversed by a small intermittent watercourse discharging eastward to Huttonville Creek.
Earthfx has been tasked with developing an integrated GSFLOW model, which combines the USGS PRMS hydrologic model with the USGS MODFLOW-NWT groundwater model. The model is being used to simulate the effects of land use changes on the proposed development site including: changes to streamflow and groundwater discharge to streams, changes in groundwater levels, changes in imperviousness, and recharge benefits of planned low-impact development features (e.g., swales, infiltration galleries etc.).

Land use and surficial geology maps were used to generate distributed PRMS model parameters, including impervious area, infiltration capacity, available soil moisture storage, cover density, and many more. The PRMS model also necessitated the compilation of an extensive climate dataset of rain, snow, temperature and solar radiation gathered from Environment Canada and Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) climate stations.
While this study is ongoing, it demonstrates Earthfx’s current and expanding knowledge-base of Peel Region. Through this study, Earthfx will continue to refine and improve its approach to simulating land use changes and low-impact development features. The experience gained in this study will directly benifit future work in CVC and Peel Region.