
SiteFX Versions

  • DP: Desktop – single site and minimal users
  • PRO: Pro – multi-site, multi-user, advanced functionality
  • EDC: EarthFX Data Centre – allows remote usage and connects with web based components


SITEFX is a data management system designed for managing, tracking and analyzing complex water systems and environmental monitoring programs. SiteFX can track sample collection, pumping and production data, water chemistry, water levels, surface water and climate data in a single integrated database environment.

SiteFX can operate independently, with your existing systems, or as part of the EarthFX Data Centre, a suite of desktop and web based management tools.

Data Entry, Importing and Editing

  • Data can be loaded into your database in various ways:
  • Data entry forms
  • Automated & configurable data importers (lab data, data loggers, production, rainfall, etc)
  • Direct linking to existing systems
  • New data are stamped with a username and date stamp, important data modifications are automatically backed up
  • All data is automatically converted to a user-defined consistent naming and unit convention
Data Entry, Importing and Editing
Data Validation and Quality

Data Validation and Quality

The underlying data model ensures ‘referential integrity’, meaning all data must link back to the master list of sample locations — no ‘orphaned’ data

User-defined look-up tables ensure consistency by allowing users to pick from lists (e.g., units) instead of typing ‘free text’

The quality assurance (QA) functions in SiteFX check that the data in the database are robust and ready for analysis

Data Retrieval

A sophisticated query builder helps find and filter temporal data before presentation

Several report layouts are available to choose from including specialized reports such as MOE Annual Water Quality, Quarterly Compliance, Annual Performance, MUMPs, etc

Multi-parameter, multi-axis, multi-location time graphs
Visual QA—data from data loggers can be checked and corrected visually in the SiteFX graphing tool
Graph templates can be customized and reused

Historical Comparison
Compare data to historical sampling events to quickly check for anomalies and trends

Data Retrieval
Sampling Program Manager

Sampling Program Manager

The Sampling Program Manager is a SiteFX module that ensures a closed loop process, from sampling requirements to sample collection to sample results

  • Scheduling
  • Define laboratory test packages, staff, bottle types
  • Pre-schedule recurring sampling events
  • Sample Collection
  • Get notified of upcoming samples
  • Print bottle labels
  • Print Chain of Custody forms
  • Reconciliation
  • Lab results auto-reconciled by comparing expected vs. received results
  • EarthFX Data Centre Ready
  • Have labs upload data directly into the database through the EarthFX Data Centre lab integration module and be e-mailed of activity

WatChemFX Water Quality Module

WatChemFX is an add-on to SiteFX that allows you to create graphs that can summarize water quality results and compare analyses from different source areas or different times to detect spatial or temporal trends. Graphs produced by WatChemFX can be analyzed interactively or exported for inclusion in technical reports. Graphs include most of those commonly used in the U.S and Canada, such as:

Collins Diagram (Bar), Pie Chart, Disk Diagram,
Radial Plots, Hex Plots, Stiff Diagram,
Schoeller Plot, Piper (Trilinear) Plot, Durov Plot,
Extended Durov Plot, Ion-Ion Plots, Chernoff Diagram,
Box-Whisker Plot.

WatChemFX Water Quality Module
StatsFX Statistics Module

StatsFX Statistics Module

StatsFX is an add-on to SiteFX that allows you to perform statistical analyses of water quality data, such as:

  • Summarize statistical properties of the data
  • Check whether data are normally or log-normally distributed
  • Identify outliers in the data
  • Compute tolerance limits and confidence intervals
  • Conduct trend analyses on the data