Our Skills

Geo-Environmental Modelling

Geo-Environmental Modelling

EarthFX staff has completed hundreds of groundwater, surface water, and contaminant transport numerical models. These models range from local-scale, steady-state flow models to regional-scale transient models with coupled groundwater/surface-water interaction. Recent projects have made extensive use of GSFlow, a well-documented and open-source model developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and first released in the spring of 2008. GSFlow integrates the USGS MODFLOW groundwater model and USGS PRMS surface water model to providing a fully integrated modeling system.

All of our numerical modelling is based on a proven data-driven approach. Our VIEWLOG and Sitefx and software span the data management, interpretation and modelling workflow, ensuring that our numerical analysis is based on a solid foundation of integrated geologic, groundwater and surface water information.

Modelling Experience

• Transient and steady-state groundwater flow modelling
• 3D Geologic Modelling
• Water Budget and Water Quantity Analysis
• Wetland systems source water identification
• Ecohydrology, Instream flow and Wetland Hydroperiod Analysis
• Cumulative Impact Assessment
• Low Impact Development Analysis
• Water Supply and Capture Zone Analysis
• Hydrologic Modelling
• Groundwater resource mapping and modelling
• Artificial Recharge
• Mine development and dewatering simulations
• Tailings pond water budgets

Modelling Experience

Data Analysis

• Advanced Data Analysis

• Integrating maps and databases for advanced hydrogeological analysis is a common requirement for groundwater studies. Using advanced graphical techniques and state-of-the-art software, we are able to create detailed three-dimensional geologic models that are linked to the borehole database.

• Advanced geostatistical methods are used to interpolate these data.

• Visualization of the geologic model and the well data. This includes plan-view maps, cross sections in any orientation and 3-D views.

• Geophysical Data Analysis

• Geophysical logging is an effective means of rapidly establishing the geological structure at new or existing wells. EarthFX offers advanced multi-dimensional analysis and management of data, plus access to our library of proprietary custom analysis functions.

Data Analysis